US half-blinds Omar
The Guantanamo atrocities continue:
So, lets see, it would probably take four or more guards to hold this guy down, hold his eyes open and then flood them with pepper spray. It's pretty hard to imagine all this happening in a cell the size of a large mattress.
A British permanent resident detained at the US camp for terrorism suspects in Guantanamo Bay was blinded in one eye following an assault by guards, his lawyer said yesterday.
“They brought their pepper spray and held him down,” he said.
“They held both of his eyes open and sprayed it into his eyes and later took a towel soaked in pepper spray and rubbed it in his eyes. Omar could not see from either eye for two weeks but he gradually got sight back in one eye.
“He’s totally blind in the right eye. I can report that his right eye is all white and milky — he can’t see out of it because he has been blinded by the US in Guantanamo.”
So, lets see, it would probably take four or more guards to hold this guy down, hold his eyes open and then flood them with pepper spray. It's pretty hard to imagine all this happening in a cell the size of a large mattress.
Perhaps he was given a bath and got some soap in his eye?
A bath can be traumatic enough to cause blindness.
Especially when your towel has been soaked with pepper spray. Man, I'll bet that'd make the old nads tingle.
They probably followed Mark Twain's advice about Indians: "Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run; because a half-massacred Indian may recover, but if you educate him and wash him, it is bound to finish him some time or other."
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