Monday, March 21, 2005

Bitter and twisted liberals

There's no getting around the vile nature of the hate commentary coming out of the left. Here's Gary Younge at the top of his form:
We are supposed to remember Saddam Hussein's gassing of the Kurds 17 years ago in graphic detail and forget everything that happened in Abu Ghraib 16 months ago.

"If our guys want to poke somebody in the chest to get the name of a bomb maker so they can save the lives of Americans, I'm for it," said Republican senator Jim Talent at a recent hearing on torture. How about ramming someone who does not have the name of a bomb maker in the anus with a truncheon, Mr Talent. Are you for that too?
Read the whole article – there's plenty more in every paragraph – to remind yourself that the left has nothing, absolutely nothing, to offer. Moral high ground my arse.


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