Saturday, April 23, 2005

Katy Fernandez for remedial English

Katy Fernandez wants to be elected to the Sydney University Union Board.

Katy has a new campaign blog.

Katy can't write for shit:
Currently the Union board president is elected by and from the Board of directors.A directly elected Union president, i.e one which is elected by us its members would ensure a more democratic union.

The status quo is that the union President is elected by the 11 student board members and two senate representatives who comprise the union board. The current system denies students voice. It can and must be made more inclusive.

Students be able to have a say in who is the leader of this organisation, the public face and prime decision maker of our union... after all its our union, we pay the money and it should be in our hands.
Maybe it's the mull and text messages.

Update: Okay, I'm a prick for picking on a young lady motivated enough to get involved in Sydney University politics. Katy should be praised for having a go. That said, Katy's blogging makes her seem none too bright. Take the start of her latest post as an example:
Hello lovlies,
Generally it takes alot to annoy me. However, uninformed statements such as those extracted above from the comments log in this blog fulfill that high threashold. Let me exaplin why.

Student Organisations proivde essential services. They provide benefits which are not limited to subsidised food . In the case of the University of Sydney Union provides the majority of the funding for the most wide-ranging programs of clubs and societies in Australia. In this way -it is the source of that intangible so often referrred to as campus life.
There are nine more paragraphs if you'd care to read them. If you can't be bothered, take my word on it, Katy needs to lift her game.

Katy concludes her post, in which she argues for continued compulsory student union membership, with this:
Students must retain the capacity to control their own affairs beacause creative, critical, active political student organisations greatly improve the univesity experience.
You're 100 percent right Katy, students should be in control their of own affairs, including their personal finances: let students decide if they want to contribute to a student union. But then, Katy's a lefty ...


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