Cronkite does Huff 'n' Puff
Walter Cronkite, once the "most trusted man in America" and the man who told America, "President Kennedy is dead," is now reduced to this :
Arianna Huffington has exercised her renowned wisdom to give journalism another boost along the ever busier Internet. Her blog site promises to be an interesting challenge for those of us lucky enough to be invited to participate with our occasional contributions. Hopefully the product will be at least as interesting.If Arianna Huffington is so God damn smart how did he get in here? Sorry Walter, you're neither interesting nor entertaining so you won't be seeing much of me.
I'll launch my first contribution right here: Arianna, I offer this first editorial opinion that you settle for "interesting" and recognize that it is not a synonym for "entertaining."
I've got some other exceedingly interesting pieces up my sleeve, like a proposal that the Democratic Party organize a convention this year to debate and resolve a platform that would provide the confused electorate some idea of what the party stands for…a regretfully missing ingredient in the politics of the moment.
See you on the Blog!
resolve a platform that would provide the confused electorate some idea of what the party stands for
That would only work if the confused Democratic Party knew what it stood for.
The Democrats are standing? I thought they were flat on their collective ass.
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