Tests of toilets at the European Parliament reveal traces of cocaine:
The quantities found in MEPs' toilets imply regular use, according to the German TV show revealing the findings last night (14 July).We should cut these guys some slack, they probably need the cocaine to keep up with the work. What, exactly, does the European Parliament do?
"Some of the quantities found there would have caused a police drug dog to respond", said pharmacologist Professor Fritz Sorgel from the Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research in Nuremberg (IBMP), who analysed the samples.
In total, 41 of the 46 surface swabs taken at European Parliament buildings A to H in Brussels contained traces of the highly-addictive drug.
In one room the concentration was so high that there was only one possible explanation - cocaine had been consumed there just before the sample was taken.
A lot of local decisions are moved to Brussels; in many countries, the EU makes more laws that affects citizens in memberstates than their local parliaments do. The final aim seems to be to create one big nanny-state. If they really wanted to do something good, they would go home and stay home until next election.
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