Saturday, July 30, 2005


Pervez Musharraf thinks Britain isn't doing nearly enough to control fanatics:
In a national address, General Musharraf said Pakistan was waging a strong campaign but insisted "there is a lot to be done in England."

He added that extremists in Britain operated with impunity.
Musharraf's comments were made following a crackdown on madrasas:
President Pervez Musharraf says foreign students attending Islamic religious schools in Pakistan will be ordered to leave as part of a drive to stamp out terrorism and religious extremism.

Security forces have detained more than 600 people in the past week after Mr Musharraf ordered a crackdown on militant groups, mosques and religious schools, or madrasas.
Some 1,400 "students" will be kicked out of Pakistan. Any bets on some of them ending up in Britain?


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