Sunday, July 10, 2005


British Muslim Anushka Asthana writes in the Guardian:
Again Britain's Muslim community is under scrutiny. The attacks last Thursday, quickly associated with 'Islamic terrorists', raised all the old questions.

Could the perpetrators be British Muslims, living among us? Could they be preaching their hatred on the roads of London, Birmingham and Manchester? Could they be targeting young men, angry about atrocities in Muslim countries across the world?

Or are we doing British Muslims a disservice by associating these people with Islam at all? Perhaps they should instead be described as extremists or criminals.

There are no simple answers to these questions. There is undoubtedly anger among Muslim youths. It is hard to find a young Muslim man on the streets of Tipton or Whitechapel who will not express anger at foreign policy in the Middle East or talk about the assault on Islam across the world. Many tell a story of someone who has suffered police brutality or convey bitterness about what they see as an attack on their civil liberties since 9/11.
Perhaps Britian's Muslim youths should consider directing some of their anger at the Islamic terrorists who make all Muslims suspect. It's a root cause thing.


Anonymous Jorgen said...

British Muslims have no credibility until they make a protest march or other organised effort against Islamic terrorism.

6:57 PM  

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