Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Bill Maher tries to wring some laughs from Bush's recent intelligent design comments:
Now, President Bush recently suggested that public schools should teach intelligent design, alongside the theory of evolution. Because, after all, evolution is quote, "just a theory." Then the President renewed his vow to drive the terrorists straight over the edge of the earth.

Now, here is what I don't get. President Bush is a brilliant scientist. He's the man who proved you can mix two parts booze with one part cocaine, and still fly a jet fighter. And yet... yet he just can't seem to accept that we descended from apes.
See, there's a reason it's called the theory of evolution. Anyway, Maher is quite the scientist himself, giving this explanation for thunder:
No, stupidity isn't a form of knowing things. Thunder is high pressure air meeting low pressure air.
Lightning does play a minor role in thunder. Maher could easily prove this for himself by standing under an isolated tree during a thunderstorm. Afterward he could tell us what he heard and saw... and smelled.


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