Tuesday, December 13, 2005


If you'd like to see lefty Australian thinking on the violence at Cronulla, and its background, visit this thread at Larvatus Prodeo – scroll down for the action. The highlight so far is Stuart Fenech's comment regarding a series of horrific rapes commited by Lebanese Muslims on women of European descent:
The fact that can not be denied is that the rapes that have been most horrifically detailed by the media in recent years were by Muslims. This is a reflection of the media which you consume publishing what will sell the most newspapers and cause the most uninformed moral indignation. It is the media that makes the crime “notorious”, not the crime itself.
Stuart should try explaining that to the victims and their families. Fuckwit.


Anonymous Stuart Anthony Fenech said...

Hi J-F,

Fair enough. I took the view of notorious meaning 'terrible + well known'.

Yes, the gang rapes were particularly horrific crimes. I still believe that a lot of horrific gang rapes are not subject to the same media representation that these cases were given (many do not make the media at all). I was and do remain cynical at the focus that ethnicity was given in the media portrayal of the rapes. You do not read articles on rapes labelling the perpetrators as Christian. Of course, you could argue back that things said during the said horrific rapes were of a racial nature, and that is true. Where most left leaners are most concerned is that specific hideous actions like these often seem to be used to malign a much larger group of people.

7:01 PM  

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