Sunday, December 18, 2005


Chris Sheil, one of the resident lefty super-brains at Larvatus Prodeo, quickly reacted to Bush's ordering of "illegal" NSA intercepts with a prediction the Chimpster would resign to avoid impeachment:
It’s a bit wild imagining scenarios. After, say, a 12 month media and inquiry dog-fight, punctuated by unprecedented mid-term anti-GOP swings, President George waves good-bye with a victory sign from the helicopter, having quit to stave off the inevitable, and holding his full pardon from President Cheney. A prize should be offered for the best essay on: ‘And what happens then?’
He's now not so sure:
As the wingnuts are edgy on this one, in trying to follow the story, I'm not predicting, or even salivating. Nor am I overlooking the killing and torturing and mangling of syntax under the Bush administration. I'm just following the story, wondering if this is a big or little trip, and what difference, if any, having a constitution with a bill of rights makes.
Actually, I think it's Sheil who's edgy, probably after reflecting on his powerful kiss of death.


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