The CIA's secret rendition and detention "spider's web" obviously isn't so secret because it has been mapped. Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly rapporteur Dick Marty's full report is here. The Guardian offers this summary:
The full extent of European collusion with the CIA during operations to abduct terrorism suspects and fly them to countries where they may be tortured is laid bare today by the continent's most authoritative human rights body.Here's the shorter summary: Allegations, accusations and suspicions.
Several states have allowed the agency to snatch their own residents, others have offered extensive logistical support, while many have turned a blind eye, according to the Council of Europe.
The UK stands accused of not only allowing the use of British airspace and airports, but of providing information that was used during the torture of one suspect. The report adds that there is strong evidence to suspect two European states, Poland and Romania, of permitting the CIA to operate secret prisons on their soil, despite official denials.
Only suspicions? I would have thought we'd had enough horror stories trickling out these past few years to make it more than just mere suspicions.
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