Saturday, December 09, 2006


Joe Queenan quite likes Clint Eastwood's Flags Of Our Fathers and tries to explain to Guardian readers why it's a flop in the U.S.:
Because the USA is now mired in a war it appears to have no chance of winning, Eastwood may have picked the worst possible moment to make this film. There is a good chance that Americans on the left are avoiding the film because they mistakenly believe it is a flag-waving venture, while people on the right are avoiding it because America is losing the war in Iraq, and Flags reminds them of a time when America didn't lose wars.
I think the movie hasn't done well because Americans aren't willing to pay to see a movie that delivers a much-ado-about-nothing government bashing; not when the MSM does that every day for free.


Anonymous Pat Patterson said...

An easier explanation might be that Mr. Eastwood is turning into Robert Altman or Woody Allen. Making "interesting" films that are pleasing to the awards committees and the reviewers but simply do not reasonate well with the public anymore. His last film ranked 22nd in earnings, Million Dollar Baby, while you have to go back to '93 and In the Line of Fire for an almost top ten spot. The trend is down and there's a good chance that his next on the Japanese soldiers at Iwo Jima will do even less business.

4:01 PM  

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