Sunday, January 03, 2010

Protester gives first hand account of police brutality

The earlier video showing brutal Egyptian police brutally beating peaceful protesters in Cairo doesn't adequately show what really happened; fortunately there is an account from one of the demonstrators:

I was dragged and violently pushed...

Whoa, I hope the poor guy's alright.

The protesters were dragged and pushed because they were intentionally blocking Cairo traffic and would not move voluntarily. Attached to this AFP video of the protest is the following description:

Police punched and kicked international activists during scuffles in Cairo on Thursday during a protest at Egypt's refusal to let 1,300 members of the Gaza Freedom March from 42 countries into the…

There is an Egyptian policeman pleading with the protesters to clear the road so traffic can get through but no visible punching or kicking. In fact, there is no visible brutality in any of the available videos. It's more of the same old hysterical attention-seeking from the Left.


Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

It's more of the same old hysterical attention-seeking from the Left.

Actually, it's more than that.

It is the willing support of recognised terrorist groups.

These days it's called being "progressive". A decade ago, it had a very different name...

6:13 PM  

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