Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sri Lankan panties a turn off

The second of the No Blood For Panties videos shows a young male watching his sexy girlfriend removing her panties at eye level mere centimeters from his face. Rather than concentrate on the delectable prize being offered to him, the politically correct young male instead notes that the young woman's panties were made in Sri Lanka, that notorious abuser of human rights. The political insensitivity of his girlfriend, evidenced by her pantie choice, so traumatises the hunk that he is unable to perform. Naturally, the young couple must seek counselling. She eventually sees the light, of course.

The premise of the video is unrealistic: no sane male is going to pay any attention to where his woman's panties are made. Realistically, males couldn't care less what adorns female underwear - swastikas, likenesses of Stalin, bunny rabbits. All they care about is getting those panties off and out of the way.


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