Thursday, February 10, 2011

Euthanasia debated

Dr Philip Nitschke and Jim Wallace of the Australian Christian Lobby debate a person's right to exit gracefully. If Wallace wants to persuasively argue his case he needs to leave that stupid grin at home.


Anonymous Chronicler said...

Obviously Wallace has not experienced a loved one slowly die in unnecessary, prolonged agony.. Drugged up to the point they're not even recognizable. This does not just have a devastating effect on the dying person themself, but every single person around them.

I'm sure if Wallace suffered such fate he wouldn't be smirking anymore.

Good on Nitschke for having the balls to consistently voice his stance on the topic of Euthanasia.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous spot said...

I couldn't watch very much of that. Nitschke sends a chill up my spine, and Wallace makes me cringe.

I'm not in favour of putting the State in the position of committing homicide at all, be it killing babies via abortion, killing criminals via capital punishment or killing the infirm and inconvenient via "euthanasia". But Jim Wallace and his Australian Christian Lobby (who are also, IIRC, in favour of mandatory internet censorship) remind me too much of Ned Flanders sometimes.

He just needs a "Hey diddly-doo, neighbour!" to go with that grin, and he'd be right.

9:06 PM  

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