Community Standards
The Guardian's "Community Standards":
It looks like the ABC'sUnhinged Unleashed section might be facing some competition for Moonbat eyeballs.
Update: PeterB notes another comment that seems to have made it past their moderators:
1. We welcome debate and dissent, but personal attacks (on authors, other users or any individual), persistent trolling and mindless abuse will not be tolerated. The key to maintaining the Guardian website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.
3. We understand that people often feel strongly about issues debated on the site, but we will consider removing any content that others might find extremely offensive or threatening. Please respect other people's views and beliefs and consider your impact on others when making your contribution.
4. We reserve the right to redirect or curtail conversations which descend into flame-wars based on ingrained partisanship or generalisations. We don't want to stop people discussing topics they are enthusiastic about, but we do ask users to find ways of sharing their views that do not feel divisive, threatening or toxic to others.
Except where the comment occurs in a post about Tony Abbott:
How fuckin' sad that this hollow man is going to be the next Prime Minister...That comment was 'upvoted' 19 times, more than any other comment on the page. A subsequent comment however crossed the line:
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards.You'd have to wonder what it said!
It looks like the ABC's
Update: PeterB notes another comment that seems to have made it past their moderators:
If you are a patriot who cares for this country , there are other ways than voting to stop a lunatic from becoming the next PM.
Since my suggestion will not be considered politically correct I refrain from making any suggestions.What is it with the Left and violence?
Anyone who reads the Gaurdain other than for the sport or the crosswords needs serious professional help. JakartaJaap
Considering they also left this one in -
"If you are a patriot who cares for this country , there are other ways than voting to stop a lunatic from becoming the next PM.
Since my suggestion will not be considered politically correct I refrain from making any suggestions."
I always like they way the Left pretends it has higher standards.
They do have higher standards; they are seldom obligated to instituted them.
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