Daily News Review (Sunday 20 February)
Sydney Morning Herald
Bush the elder and Clinton arrive in Thailand for the start of their tsunami devastation tour.
Mike Carlton is determined to convince his readers he is unable to use a dictionary. Carlton also attempts to justify his fondness for environment destroying, small import crushing, 4X4 road beasts.
The interrogation versus interview brouhaha carriers over from Carlton to today's lead editorial. (Apparently no-one at the SMH knows how to use a dictionary.)
Just doing a test run here folks, to sort out the formatting. Hopefully a review of eastern states' morning news will become a regular feature.
Bush the elder and Clinton arrive in Thailand for the start of their tsunami devastation tour.
Mike Carlton is determined to convince his readers he is unable to use a dictionary. Carlton also attempts to justify his fondness for environment destroying, small import crushing, 4X4 road beasts.
The interrogation versus interview brouhaha carriers over from Carlton to today's lead editorial. (Apparently no-one at the SMH knows how to use a dictionary.)
Just doing a test run here folks, to sort out the formatting. Hopefully a review of eastern states' morning news will become a regular feature.
Normally I regard Mike Carlton as a sleazy little creep but his comments about 4wds and their critics is pretty much on the money.
10-15 years ago much of the current criticism levelled at 4 wheelers would have been reasonable - not now.
Today's average 4 wheeler is no more of a gas guzzler than most, so-called, family sedans on Australian roads. Carlton's remarks about comfort, space and utilty value are also correct.
4wds aren't going away any time soon - in fact, their popularity is increasing. It's a done deal and Harold Scrooby (a notorious champion of lost causes) and his ilk had best get used to the idea.
Hey JF,
Nice looking format but you need to adjust your timezone in Blogger's settings. No way I was awake at 3.53am EST. ;-)=
Cheers, Boss
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