Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Terri Schiavo just doesn't matter

Why doesn't she matter? Because right-wing politicians say she does. At least that's part of what Tim Dunlop seems to be saying:
Funny how many of those in Australia who are so purportedly concerned about the fate of the (put simply) brain-dead Terri Schiavo couldn't give a shit about the fully functioning kids locked in our own detention centres.

No mystery really when you remember a simple fact: for such people, issues are decided on the basis of political affiliation rather than the facts of the matter. Terri Schiavo matters, therefore, because rightwing politicians say she does. Kids in detention don't because locking them up indefinitely is part of Howard government policy.
Is it just me, or is Dunlop making less and less sense? First, it's drag in the Delay family tragedy. Hell, why not drag in the children in detention? What next, Global Warming? Obviously Dunlop doesn't give a shit about Terri Schiavo, he's trying to score some points.

Anyway, it's good to see liberals have kept an open mind on Schiavo, unlike the group thinkers on the right.


Anonymous J F Beck said...

He seems like a genuinely nice guy until he veers off on one of his indignation tangents. Attention seeking seems to be the cause.

9:29 PM  

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