Saturday, April 09, 2005

Canadian Holocaust

Canadian Indian activist David Ahenakew, currently being prosecuted for hate speech, continues to run his mouth:
"I'm a holocaust victim," Ahenakew shouted Thursday under cross-examination on the final day of his trial.

"We lost over 100 million people over the last 500 years."

Asked if that would make him identify with the Jews rather than deride them, Ahenakew scowled.

"We're not the same culture," he said. "We cannot mix our culture with yours and expect it to work."

Ahenakew testified that his anti-Semitic remarks were fuelled by a combination of anger, fatigue from his diabetes and the oppression of the Palestinians that he witnessed while serving with the Canadian military in the Gaza Strip.
As Ahenakew says, the Canadian people should be on trial, not him. (Just in case you're wondering, the population of Canada is approximately 33 million, of which some 2% are Amerindian. Thus, 100 million Indians killed is more than 150 times the current aboriginal population of Canada. I think he's exaggerating.)


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