Saturday, April 09, 2005

Journalists or hacks?

In a Slate article, Eric Boehlert shows himself to be a dullard. Boehlert notes in the article that CBS apologized for its incorrect reporting of the forged Bush memo but that RWDBs have not followed suit with apologies for speculation on the source of the Schiavo talking-points memo. Well, it was one thing for the RWDBs to engage in obvious speculatation; it was something else altogether for CBS to try to pass a bogus memo off as news. The former does not demand correction; the latter does.

Boehlert's an idiot: probably well educated and well meaning, but an idiot nonetheless.


Anonymous J F Beck said...

If memory serves, Rather later indicated that he thought the story was correct even though the memos were dubious. In other words, trust me, I'm smarter and better informed than you.

12:56 AM  

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