Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The biggest crime in the history of the United States of America

Slavery? The Oklahoma City federal building bombing? 9/11? Not even close. Sportscaster Jim Lampley has checked it out – he reads Common Dreams – and concludes the biggest crime in American history is the 2004 Presidential election:
At 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Election Day, I checked the sportsbook odds in Las Vegas and via the offshore bookmakers to see the odds as of that moment on the Presidential election. John Kerry was a two-to-one favorite. You can look it up.

People who have lived in the sports world as I have, bettors in particular, have a feel for what I am about to say about this: these people are extremely scientific in their assessments. These people understand which information to trust and which indicators to consult in determining where to place a dividing line to influence bets, and they are not in the business of being completely wrong. Oddsmakers consulted exit polling and knew what it meant and acknowledged in their oddsmaking at that moment that John Kerry was winning the election.

And he most certainly was, at least if the votes had been fairly and legally counted. What happened instead was the biggest crime in the history of the nation, and the collective media silence which has followed is the greatest fourth-estate failure ever on our soil.
You see Jim, that's why it's called gambling. The MSM, unlike Jim, and maybe Dan Rather, but he's been discredited and put out to pasture, has to rely on facts – well, that's the theory anyway – not gambling odds when reporting the news.

Not only were the oddsmakers favouring Kerry, the highly educated super-brained liberals Jim hangs out with just knew who was going to win:
Many of the participants in this blog have graduate school educations. It is damned near impossible to go to graduate school in any but the most artistic disciplines without having to learn about the basics of social research and its uncanny accuracy and validity. We know that professionally conceived samples simply do not yield results which vary six, eight, ten points from eventual data returns, thaty's why there are identifiable margins for error. We know that margins for error are valid, and that results have fallen within the error range for every Presidential election for the past fifty years prior to last fall. NEVER have exit polls varied by beyond-error margins in a single state, not since 1948 when this kind of polling began. In this past election it happened in ten states, all of them swing states, all of them in Bush's favor. Coincidence? Of course not.
There's no word from Jim on how this massive fraud was perpetrated but he does know who pulled the strings:
Karl Rove isn't capable of conceiving and executing such a grandiose crime? Wake up.
So, Arianna's Huff 'n' Puff is turning out to be the typical lefty dominated blog we RWDBs thought it would be and not the scourge of the right some had hoped.


Anonymous The_Real_JeffS said...

It is damned near impossible to go to graduate school in any but the most artistic disciplines without having to learn about the basics of social research and its uncanny accuracy and validity.

So, what did Jim Lampley get his degree in? Pottery making? Basket weaving?

All this twit does is echo the tinfoil hat moonbat brigade on the left. Teresa Heinz (nee' Teresa Heinz-Kerry) tried this one, and was ignored. Does Lampley think he is going to rally the unwashed masses into a revolt against the facist regime of Chimpy McBusHitler?

He'd better watch out -- Karl Rove may have him thrown into the new gulags located somewhere in Wyoming.

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Jorgen said...

He forgot one point: many Democrats have been caught in various election fraud scams (eg fraudulent voter-registration of dead and non-existing people)which must have given Kerry lots of votes and Bush therefore can't have won. :)

9:46 PM  

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