Saturday, July 23, 2005


The Daily Telegraph has commissioned a YouGov poll of British Muslims' attitudes in the wake of the 7 July London bombings. Some one in four of those surveyed are sympathetic to the attackers with only 6% thinking the bombings were fully justified:
Six per cent may seem a small proportion but in absolute numbers it amounts to about 100,000 individuals who, if not prepared to carry out terrorist acts, are ready to support those who do.
How many men with bombs would it take to bring Britain to a standstill?


Anonymous Jorgen said...

56 per cent, believe "Western society may not be perfect but Muslims should live with it and not seek to bring it to an end".
32 per cent ... "Western society is decadent and immoral and that Muslims should seek to bring it to an end".

It is beginning to look like the Muslims generally are as unhappy with the UK as probably an even larger percentage of the UK's non-Muslim population is with their presence. There is good reason to rethink the immigration and deportation policies drastically. An enormous amount of ambitious and hardworking Chinese, Indian, Japanese people would love to come to the UK and would integrate quite well there.

11:42 PM  

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