Wednesday, July 06, 2005


An article at Spiegel Online on the aid money flooding into Africa is summed up by its title, "Choking on Aid Money in Africa". Despite the billions in aid life is still tough in Africa, but not for everyone:
The aid workers are thirsty and the beer is flowing: There is a party mood in Rumbak, the city of tents which at one time almost became the capital of Southern Sudan. It's is a bit like the end of the day atmosphere at a trade fair: The stands have closed down and people have knocked off work.

All over the place people in sandals and washed-out T-shirts emblazoned with meaningful slogans ("no cattle plague -- more milk") and where they are stationed ("Somalia, Uganda, Sudan"), dart down side streets. The aid organizations' colored pennants flutter in the hot evening wind.
Don't anybody tell Sir Bob and mates, they'll be shattered.


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