Monday, August 29, 2005


Some animals on reduced calorie diets live up to 50% longer than the well fed. This has led the extremely health conscious to severely restrict their calorie intake:
Researchers at various universities and the National Institutes of Health are testing the theories but there are groups already cutting calories by up to a third in the hope they can live to be 120 or 125, while staying healthy.

"Our message is that suffering years of misery to remain super-skinny is not going to have a big payoff in terms of a longer life," Mr Phelan, an evolutionary biologist, said in a statement.
Perpetual hunger isn't the only drawback:
[I]n mice, starvation reduces fertility, which in turn lengthens life span as the animal is not stressed by repeated matings and pregnancies and the associated production of hormones.
Hungry and horny, what a way to go.


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