Friday, September 09, 2005


Peter Sain ley Berry has a question:
What is Europe for? That is the current question. No longer is it possible to say convincingly that Europe is entirely about peace: if the Union dissolved itself tomorrow no-one now could conceive of a war in Europe.
Oh yeah, what about the day after tomorrow? What about the evil reactionary British?
The forces of reaction are already knocking on the door of human rights, hard won over fifty years... Speaking to the European Parliament this week, the British Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, said that the European Convention on Human Rights had to be reviewed and that EU citizens would have to accept some erosion of civil liberties if they were to be protected. Of course, human rights include expecting the state to take reasonable action to protect citizens against such evils, but not at any cost.

In a second example, the same Home Secretary is proposing to send deportees back to their home countries relying on diplomatic assurances that they will not be tortured, even though it is known that torture is a common practice in many such countries.
Sounds to me like there's a fight a-brewin'. Maybe that's why the Poms are maintaining a nuclear arsenal.


Anonymous Jorgen said...

Then let us be politically correct about it: Who are we to critizise the customs that have evolved in the Muslim countries over countless centuries. After all, we were barbarians when these people created civilization, so we are not worthy of judging their way of doing things. And when we catch some terrorists, we should make them feel at home by torturing them.

2:24 AM  

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