Sunday, November 06, 2005


Keysar Trad has taken some time from his hectic schedule of lusting after other women and fathering children to argue against Australia's proposed anti-terror legislation and let us in on a nasty little secret:
Am I being seditious if I question the decision of my Government to send our children to occupy another country, using our tax dollars to do so, and to kill in my name?
Old Keysar – you'd feel old too if you had that many kids – has a weakness for hyperpbole:
Am I exposing Australian troops to danger if I call for their withdrawal from a theatre of war that is replete with contamination from depleted uranium?
Iraq isn't just contaminated, it's "replete with contamination". Anyway, Iraq is contaminated with depleted uranium in the same sense it's contaminated with sand.

Hat tip to Hyperbole Central for the link.


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