Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Australia's jailed terror suspects are upset at not being able to take part in traditional Muslim Christmas festivities:
Although the men are Muslim, spending this time of year in jail was nonetheless difficult as they see Christmas as a traditional time for celebration with family...

"They have got a great reverence for the Christian religion."
Sure they do.

Their lawyer even brought up GITMO in an attempt to generate sympathy for his clients:
"They're in solitary confinement... they're wearing Guantanamo Bay orange, they're shackled in the same way Guantanamo Bay people were."
The least their jailers should have done is dress them in festive green and red, and flush a Koran or two.


Anonymous C.L. said...

At least give them a ham you brutes!

11:59 AM  
Anonymous A Lag said...

His clients are upset about missing Christmas, despite being Muslim. Which bit exactly ? Do they also miss Channukah and Kwanzaa? Or is it just whatever their lawyer thinks will attract public sympathy for men accused of the unspeakable.

According to the handbook, we should shortly be hearing accusations of torture. After such a pithy lovey-dovey piece, at least the reporter won’t have to worry about being bashed by the accused’s friends like those other journos were.

And what the HELL is “Guantanamo Orange”? High-Security prisoners have been wearing dayglo ‘pumpkins’ for years . What did he expect? White pyjamas with arrows on them? Ball and Chain perhaps? He should see some of the other prison fashion statements they could be subject to. What an ass.

6:01 PM  

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