Sunday, January 08, 2006


A serious Howard hater brings us news of a new opinion poll:
It's a totally fair and balanced poll where a global leader is pitted against those of a similar status and not altogether dissimilar personalities. The readers nominate their candidates and then decide from that whittled down list of undemocratic rogues. It's democracy in action, and 100% accurate. It's also filled with the kind of analysis that's usually seen in The Australian when Dennis Shanahan succinctly breaks down any Newspoll that accidentally shows Labor in the lead.

Like the plucky little Aussie battler he is, Howard came through in the end... he streeted the field by polling 611 votes to that of the second place CIA's 115.
The CIA is a "global leader" with a personality? Howard's worse than Ahmadinejad? I think the post was meant to be funny but, what with lefties being humourless and all, it's hard to know for sure.

Update: The post was meant to be funny, but we on the right aren't smart enough to get it:
Do you RWDB guys even attempt to read between the lines? Taking the piss doesn’t appear to be in your lexicon. Read it carefully again, SLOWLY, and not out loud like you usually do. If you want I’ll capitalise the important bits. Either that or I’ll provide the post in picture book form with text like Cat in the Hat.


Anonymous Maguro said...

Well, I don't think his post was humorous, but he's certainly mastered the art of condesencion. Lefties are so smart.

7:01 PM  

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