Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Singer Isaac Hayes has quit South Park:
Hayes, who voiced the lustful Chef, said he was quitting because of the comedy show's "inappropriate ridicule" of religion.

Hayes said the show's parody of religion was part of a "growing insensitivity towards personal spiritual beliefs".

"There is a place in this world for satire but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry toward religious beliefs begins," he said.

Co-creator Matt Stone said Hayes had "never had a problem" until the cartoon sent up the singer's Scientology faith. "In 10 years and over 150 episodes of South Park, Isaac never had a problem with the show making fun of Christians, Muslim, Mormons or Jews."

"He got a sudden case of religious sensitivity when it was his religion featured on the show."
Who in their right mind would view L Ron Hubbard's self-serving imaginings as a religion much less try to ruin a great TV show over them?

Parker and Stone will need to be careful, Scientologists don't take kindly to even the mildest criticism and absolutely love suing people.

Editing note: The dubious link of Scientology to the rattlesnake in the mailbox was removed from the post.


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