Friday, March 10, 2006


Lateline tonight aired an exclusive interview with Hamas's supreme leader.
MARK WILLACY: Is Hamas still committed to the destruction of the state of Israel?

KHALED MESHAAL, HAMAS LEADER (TRANSLATION): We say when Israel actually decides to withdraw from Palestinian land back to the 1967 borders, pulls down the wall, dismantles the settlements, leaves East Jerusalem, acknowledges the right of return for the Palestinian refugees and releases all the prisoners, then we in Hamas will take serious steps to make real peace. But before that, we will not deal with hypotheticals.

MARK WILLACY: So if Israel ends the occupation, would you accept a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders?

KHALED MESHAAL: That is not peace, that is an declaration of war on the Palestinian people. They are still on a large area of Palestinian land. With the wall and the settlements, with the refusal to leave East Jerusalem, Olmert is repeating the mistakes of Ariel Sharon by announcing war.
In other words, Hamas is still determined to destroy Israel. I, for one, am shocked.


Anonymous . said...

As long as Hamas are begging and cajoling for money from the West they will leave Isreal alone, lets hope we take a very long time to decide no they deserve none, maybe next election people may vote against terrorism as it seems to lead to starvation.

11:57 AM  

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