Monday, July 17, 2006


According to The Electronic Intifada, Fox News's David Lee Miller and his film crew were shot at by the Israeli military. Miller, who was actually there when the shot was fired, says he doesn't know who shot at him but assumes it was the IDF. Deep into the video clip Miller says that the IDF was probably just trying to warn him to take his crew and leave the area. That makes sense: I mean, surely the IDF, which can take out individual Hamas hoons with accurate fire, could hit a stationary reporter – or his vehicle or cameraman – standing in the open a couple of hundred metres away, if it wanted to.

If you click on the Electronic Intifada link above you'll find a partial transcript of the video – the transcript conveniently omitting Miller's admission that, if Israeli forces fired at him, they probably weren't tryng to hit him.

Hat tip: Antony Loewenstein


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