Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Lefty Tim Dunlop suffers a lunatic infestation:
We have sold our souls for a flat screen TV, paid for with the blood and suffering of innocent brown people.
There's this from Loewenstein regular orang:
You will not deny my fantasy!! There is no way Downer would fake an orgasm while being butt fucked by Condi with a 12" strap-on.
And to round things out there's a bit of Lebanese ambulance hoax denial:
Having taken a look into the fever swamp of the right wing blogs, it seems like the evidence of the ambulance attack having been faked is pretty thin itself, sourced from a single Fox bulletin and thirdhand analysis of compressed photos.
Right wing blogs are a fever swamp? Right.

Update: Loewenstein censors dissenting views but leaves up this typical orang gem:
Ian, surely you are not suggesting that Israel’s kidnapping of Palestinian civilians and then using them as shields to protect their chicken hearted child murdering cocksucking deviants used in the occupation of Palestine are in the same league as Hezbollah? I can only deduce you are anti-freedom and democracy, you should go before a Rabbi and confess your anti-semitism, say twelve hail Marys , …….
Update II: Speaking of lunatics, Loewenstein highly recommends a Marxist, Lebanese, "non-mainstream anarchist," ABBA lover.


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