Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Dick Morris doesn't get much right but if there's one thing he knows, it's Bill Clinton. Morris is none too impressed with Clinton's recent Fox News tirade:
In my frequent phone and personal conversations with both Clintons in 1993, there was never a mention, not one, of the World Trade Center attack. It was never a subject of presidential focus.

Failure to grasp the import of the 1993 attack led to a delay in fingering bin Laden and understanding his danger. This, in turn, led to our failure to seize him when Sudan evicted him and also to our failure to carry through with the plot to kidnap him. And, it was responsible for the failure to “certify” him as the culprit until very late in the Clinton administration.

The former president says, “I worked hard to try to kill him.” If so, why did he notify Pakistan of our cruise-missile strike in time for them to warn Osama and allow him to escape? Why did he refuse to allow us to fire cruise missiles to kill bin Laden when we had the best chance, by far, in 1999? The answer to the first question — incompetence; to the second — he was paralyzed by fear of civilian casualties and by accusations that he was wagging the dog.
But Bubba has such a nice smile...


Anonymous Wadard said...

Forget how he looks when he smiles, and even put aside what he actually revealed - what a refreshing reminder he gave us of what a real US President sounds like?

6:14 PM  

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