Saturday, September 23, 2006


In an effort to make a big deal out of Richard Armitage's alleged threat to bomb Pakistan back to the stone age the BBC is soliciting reader comments:
How should the world react to Musharraf claims?

How will America's relationship with Pakistan be affected?

What do you think about Musharraf claims? What effect will this have on America's relationship with Pakistan? How should America react? Send us your comments.
The comments are mostly from indignant lefties but some of them do make sense:
Pakistan has been a rogue state for so long: it has depended on China and the USA against India, even if the USA threatened them, Talebanism or Wahabbism is the greatest threat to world peace. Muslim nations need to stand up and be counted against terrorism. One word of warning: Pakistan don't trifle with India or one day we will bomb you back to the Stone Age, where you are and belong.

thakur singh, auckland
Bomb them back to the present.


Anonymous Albatross said...

Pakistan is the country of the future and always will be.

6:21 AM  
Anonymous Albatross said...

Thank you kg - I promise I won't use satire again.

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Jorgen said...

If the US didn't threaten to bomb Pakistan back to the stone age, I hope it was only because it wasn't necessary.

9:09 PM  

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