Wednesday, November 01, 2006


J. Eric Oliver, author of Fat Politics, on government anti-fat measures:
“Getting Americans to really change their eating and exercise patterns would require a level of totalitarianism that would make even Kim Jong Il blush,” he writes. “The very rationale of a liberal system such as ours is that individuals are best left to decide for themselves which choices to limit, particularly as long as such decisions do not infringe on the safety or well-being of others.”
It also seems that U.S. health officals are looking for new challanges:
Oliver notes that public health specialists in the U.S. “needed new problems to tackle in order to justify their existence” after their triumphs over communicable diseases in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Meddlesome lefties won't be happy until government is micro-managing every facet of our daily existence. Aren't Americans lucky they have a Second Amendment?


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