Thursday, January 10, 2008


The New South Wales government stands accused of neglecting public housing tenants following the discovery of a man whose death went unnoticed for up to a year:
Distraught neighbours yesterday lashed out at authorities for not checking on the man earlier.
There were a number of such sad discoveries in 2006 prompting the New South Wales government to promise six-monthly checks on its elderly tenants. This scheme has apparently yet to be put in place. But what difference does it make whether a dead body goes unnoticed for a year, six months or a few hours? Really, monitoring the welfare of tenants seems pointless unless it's done continuously in real time.

Oh well, I guess it's fair enough for public housing tenants to expect the authority that gives them a place to live to also keep tabs on them to make sure they're Okay. I mean, the welfare of those living nearby isn't a neighbourly concern and government is always looking for new responsibilities to assume anyway.


Anonymous HRT said...

"Distraught......lashed out". Too bad the ABC omitted "stunned, close knit, nightmare and reeling". An award for best compassionate reporting would surely have followed.

6:05 AM  
Anonymous rodw said...

Distraught neighbours alerted police after a year when the man’s letter box was overflowing. This leads me to concluded that:
1 This guy doesn't get much mail in a year; or
2. His letterbox is a wheely-bin with a slot cut into it; or
3. His distraught neighbours are a little slow on the uptake.

8:02 AM  
Anonymous Spot said...

"Caring" Lefties use the common refrain "I want to live in a society, not an economy" (often when the fact that conservatives do a better job at managing the economy than Labor/the Left is pointed out).

But they also want to outsource traditional individual/societal/community responsibilities such as charity (confiscate our wages via taxes and hand out "welfare" instead) and now something so basic as keeping an eye on our neighbours' well-being, to "The State".

When you take away one of the basic tenets of a society, our (moral) responsibility to help look after those least able to look after themselves, and tell everyone, "Don't worry about it; it's The Gummint's responsibility," that's not enhancing our society/community, that's gutting it.

Just my 2 cents.

10:34 PM  

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