Comments on Amanda Beard's desirability:

Weeks later:
Later still:
Now what makes this interesting is that Jeremy had this to say just prior to making the 1:13 comment above:
Update: Oooohhhh Timmeh, that tickles.

Weeks later:

Later still:

Now what makes this interesting is that Jeremy had this to say just prior to making the 1:13 comment above:
Wow, you really think you've got something with that off-the-cuff comment about Beard, don't you? I made a comment about not finding a particular model attractive, mannish in fact (a model, note, whose work we were commenting on), although in language which I subsequently regretted and withdrew.If the comment was no big deal, why does Jeremy keep screwing around with it? And strangely, Jeremy and Scott over at PP are critical of Tim Blair for making fun of people's appearance. But it's Okay for them to make fun of people because they only do it at blogs with small readerships. Blair on the other hand blogs for a major newspaper and should be ever so nice.
Apparently you think bringing it up constantly wins you the internets. Good luck with that.
Update: Oooohhhh Timmeh, that tickles.
Jeremy seems to have decided that his ethics are situational.
There is nothing wrong with Jeremy saying one thing and doing another. That is his defining characteristic.
Two minor /b/ memes in one post. winrar!
Keri is a laugh sometimes. She's hypersensitive to remarks about her own appearance and yet happy to attack other women's appearances.
Yeah, cos he's not clearly mocking that faulty syllogism, is he?
Anon 3:30. If Jeremy had to treat people the same way he wants to be treated he'd have to change habits of a lifetime.
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