Sunday, August 23, 2009


First year university student Daniel spits the dummy Jeremy-style after unsuccessfully trying to find a copy of Fahrenheit 451:
Find it. I double dare you, I triple dare you to find this book at a bookshop.

This is a book you cannot find new within Australia at all. Why? Publishers don’t publish it anymore in Australia. Which is really strange because for a book about censorship it’s interesting how ironic it is that we don’t have it here in Australia.

There’s probably some ulterior motive politically based in the publishing business.
Rather than display the resourcefulness and adaptability for which university students are renowned (HAH!) young Daniel goes straight for a conspiracy theory to explain why he can't find one of the most widely available books in Australia. More confirmation that universities are lefty dumb-ass factories.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First-year students can read??!?

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would the stupid fuck like a VHS copy of the freaking MOVIE? I have one propping up my workbench in the shed. He can have it when I list it on Ebay.

10:21 PM  

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