Sunday, September 04, 2011

A world in fear of commonsense

As we approach September 11, the Sydney Morning Herald's front page sums up the last decade.
Al-Qaeda's lasting damage was to our minds, writes Malcolm Knox.

The September 11 terrorists lost, but they also won.
That confused opening represents the clearest thought in the whole piece.

How is our world changed? Superficially, Australians may feel unscathed. Flying is more inconvenient. We have to take off our belts and shoes, stow or drink our liquids, tell our children they can't visit the cockpit. Next to the lives lost in the United States, Afghanistan, Iraq, Indonesia, London, Madrid and elsewhere, Australians were deprived of very little.
Notice how he draws a moral equivalence between deaths in NYC and those in Afghanistan and Iraq (mostly also caused by Islamists)? Or how he refers to Indonesia, hoping that Australians will forget about one of its cities - Bali.
Once transport and architecture were redefined as missiles and targets, everything changed, and the consequences ramified outwards from the cause. Terrorism's shadow gave a Coalition government, on its last legs on September 10, 2001, two bonus terms.
Take that Labor!
It wasn't just rendition and Guantanamo Bay, it was the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes in London and the hounding of Mohamed Haneef in Brisbane. It was the Cronulla riots
Yes. And what was that little armed rampage that happened the night after the Cronulla riots all about?
September 11 was the last hurrah of bin Laden's band of gangsters, who spent their last years watching and making onanistic videotapes. Their delusions looped the loop and met up with the wackiest of ours. Did al-Qaeda really destroy the Twin Towers, or was it the CIA? Dick Cheney? International Jewry?
I knew Fairfax was in trouble but I had no idea they'd been sold to Indymedia.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what was that little armed rampage that happened the night after the Cronulla riots all about?

It was a response, Lieutenant Dan. Pretty simple really. Or are you trying to "draw a moral equivalence" between an aggressive racist mob and a reactive racially based mob?

You really don't have much of an idea, do you? Why on earth does Beck give you the keys to his blog?

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

My dear anonymous coward,

Please explain to me how a bunch of armed Islamic thugs, smashing cars all over Sydney while their owners slept, was somehow a legitimate "response" to something that happened to other people on a beach elsewhere?

Moreover, following your 'response' argument, would you concede that what happened *that* day at Cronulla was itself a response by Cronulla locals who were fed up with their women being called sluts to their face, and volunteer lifesavers being bashed by aforesaid thugs? I mean, it's just a "response".

6:20 PM  
Anonymous foxy said...

Interesting how this fu&%king moron anonymous that keeps repeating 'Lt. Dan' thinks he's in some way witty instead of incredibly boring. I have no doubt he is one of the usual ego maniac half wits from well known and derisively discussed leftist blogs who state they have contempt for this one, yet can't stop themselves reading Beck and making inane boorish comments under pseudonyms because they are to utterly gutless to use their own names. I wonder if they realise the irony of the fact they are even allowed to post here yet if anyone disagrees with them on their own blogs, the comment never sees the light of day. Well I guess most sane people realise leftists are gutless hypocritical douchebags with zero moral centre. Nothing new.

If you had half an intact neuron anon, you'd see the insanity of the articles referred to. Not surprised you don't.

You are, in modern parlance, a dumb-ass.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous xyz said...

Why do lefties like our friend above(who sounds just like a certain left wing lawyer from Melbourne) treat Muslims as if they were children who can't control themselves?

Both mobs were 'reactive' and both were 'aggressive'; both were 'racist' and both were 'racially based'.

Before you insult Dan you may want to check whether by doing so you reveal your own ignorance. I would suggest you go and read some of the recent history of racial violence in Sydney but I doubt you would understand it and I doubt it would cause you to get off your high horse even if you did.

6:32 PM  
Anonymous xyz said...

Hi foxy,

It is the fact that they don't realise that they are gutless hypocrites that is so funny.

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please explain to me how a bunch of armed Islamic thugs, smashing cars all over Sydney while their owners slept, was somehow a legitimate "response" to something that happened to other people on a beach elsewhere?

I didn't say it was legitimate, I said it was a response, pure and simple. One group of morons stirring up another group of morons. On that basis, it's a wonder you weren't involved.

Interesting how this fu&%king moron anonymous that keeps repeating 'Lt. Dan' thinks he's in some way witty

More perceptive than witty. Danny is to Lieutenant Dan as Beck is to Forrest Gump. There are many similarities.

making inane boorish comments under pseudonyms because they are to utterly gutless to use their own names.

And you were christened 'foxy' were you, you gibbering fucking hypocrite?

Why do lefties like our friend above(who sounds just like a certain left wing lawyer from Melbourne)

Of fer fuck's sake - do you people ever stop masturbating over the spectre of Jeremy Sear and imagining that he is behind every single identity on the internet?

I would suggest you go and read some of the recent history of racial violence in Sydney

And where should I do that - this blog? I prefer to read stuff based on actual facts, not wingnut ranting about "moral equivalence".

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deleting comments now, Danny-Boy?
Gutless little twerp.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Definition of irony: Being called "gutless" by someone too cowardly to use their name (and too stupid to pick a pseudonym).

No, not deleting your pathetic comments (tempting as it is). That's more a Loewenstein sort of thing. I'd prefer people got the chance to laugh at you (although you've probably outstayed your welcome).

Your comment was marked as spam by Blogger. Smart algorithm that...

9:47 PM  
Blogger Minicapt said...

"One group of morons stirring up another group of morons."
Ah, personal involvement being cited.


2:05 PM  

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