Pity the uninsured druggie
The treatment these people are subjected to makes me want to cry:
At a conference on the scourge of methamphetamine, one item on the agenda was a tour of a seemingly unlikely place: a burn unit.Yeah, cry, that precious resources are wasted on these predatory fools.
Legislators, doctors, social workers and law officials - including the federal government's second highest-ranking drug czar - walked the halls of Vanderbilt University Medical Center regional burn center, where seven of the 20 patients were injured by fires and explosions in clandestine meth labs.
Vanderbilt doctors told Joseph Keefe, deputy director of the Office on National Drug Control Policy, and the other participants that meth cases are increasingly common and are driving up state medical expenditures. The costs of treating critically injured burn victims typically exceed $10,000 a day each - and most meth patients don't have health insurance.
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