Larry Flynt, dirt disher extraordinaire
Larry Flynt, shameless self-promoter, and publisher of Inside Gynaecology, claims to have uncovered some skeletons in the Bolton closet:
Flynt isn't finished, however:
Anyway, Flynt's allegations have prompted much fevered speculation by the lunatic lefties at Democratic Underground that these "revelations" are going to undo not only Bolton but the entire Bush administration. Funny, about the only time lefties are optimistic about anything is when there's anti-Bush hysteria in the air.
James Wolcott spreads Flynt's allegations in a predictably unfunny attempt at humour:
Update: Lefty blogger Amanda Marcotte – pandagon – observes, "James Wolcott is going there, so why not?", and goes on to work in an irrelevant religious angle:
Update II: Wankette joins in with a fun Bolton image.
Court records concerning the divorce of John R. Bolton, the Bush administration's nominee to become the next ambassador to the United Nations, show his first wife fled the couple's marital home when he was traveling abroad in mid-August 1982. The records further show that she took most of the couple's furniture.Fled is perhaps overstating the case somewhat in that Bolton's wife left the family home in unspecified circumstances while he was overseas, and obviously unable to do her any harm. The court documents cited by Flynt later in his statement read as follows:
While the Complainant was on a trip to Vienna for two weeks, the Defendant moved out of the marital home taking all of her personal possessions and most of the furniture.That my friends, is the evidence Flynt has produced so far: the wife moved out, took her possessions and most of the furniture. Big deal.
Flynt isn't finished, however:
Corroborated allegations that Mr. Bolton's first wife, Christina Bolton, was forced to engage in group sex have not been refuted by the State Department despite inquires posed by Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt concerning the allegations. Mr. Flynt has obtained information from numerous sources that Mr. Bolton participated in paid visits to Plato's Retreat, the popular swingers club that operated in New York City in the late 1970s and early 1980s.Gee, I wonder why the State Department has ignored Flynt's efforts to draw attention to himself.
Anyway, Flynt's allegations have prompted much fevered speculation by the lunatic lefties at Democratic Underground that these "revelations" are going to undo not only Bolton but the entire Bush administration. Funny, about the only time lefties are optimistic about anything is when there's anti-Bush hysteria in the air.
James Wolcott spreads Flynt's allegations in a predictably unfunny attempt at humour:
According to a shock claim by Larry Flynt and Hustler magazine, trumpeted on the Raw Story site, Bolton was a paid visitor to Plato’s Retreat, which in the seventies brought together many people of differing viewpoints, penis and bra-cup sizes, much as the United Nations has done since its founding. Perhaps Bolton went (if he indeed went—we must preserve the benefit of doubt) for the excellent buffet, of which the owners of Plato’s Retreat always expressed pride.Perhaps Bolton went and came, and if so, what? Doing weird-arsed things with cigars and Monica Lewinsky doesn't seem to have adversely affected Bubba's career. Lefties know no shame because they have no sense.
Update: Lefty blogger Amanda Marcotte – pandagon – observes, "James Wolcott is going there, so why not?", and goes on to work in an irrelevant religious angle:
If you are a religious wingnut, the main way you demonstrate your Sexual Dominance by having a cringing Stepford wife follow you around. But there's no reason to think that Bolton is a born-again, so why not just bully his wife into sex acts that scare and upset her?All of this speculation is bound to help Bolton more than it hurts him.
Update II: Wankette joins in with a fun Bolton image.
"Wankette"? Do I detect a little jab at the INTERNET's subject matter expert on anal sex?
Sorry, I wasn't trying for subtle.
Whoops! Fergot my "/sarcasm" tag! :^D
Me too.
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