Sunday, May 08, 2005

Study's shock revelation: Australians over-eat

Planet Ark founder Jon Dee:
"Australians' eyes are definitely bigger than their stomachs.

"We're over-shopping at the supermarket and we're eating too much in restaurants.

"We're also cooking too much as well, and of course we're eating too much.

"You only need to look at the size of the diet industry in Australia to know that we're eating far too many calories and at the end of the day what this equates to is we're throwing away too much food."
Here's a suggestion for Planet Ark: everybody should mind their own God-damn business. Jeez, this blogging stuff makes me hungry; tonight it's KFC.


Anonymous paul said...

Didn't eat last night 'cos I was on the pop. Made up for it today- ran a lunch for my female antecedent, bought up all manner of wog combestables from a nearby deli and scarfed up half a cow, more than half a pig and several jereboams of plonk, and am currently fuller than a boong's Valiant.

8:36 PM  

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