Friday, May 06, 2005

Loathsome liar likely loco, loses last legitimacy

Unable to produce the evidence to refute Tim Blair's accusation that he's a liar, Darp has now resorted to further lies in an attempt to slime his way out of the predicament he has created. Here's how he starts off his latest post on the subject:
Time to clear a few things up.
The only thing this post makes clear is that Darp's an even bigger lying fool than I thought.
Over the week and a bit, Tim Blair has busied himself with the ultra-important activity of labelling me a liar.
Another lie. Tim Blair told us on 28 April that Darp is a liar and hasn't mentioned the matter, as far as I can tell, at his or Darp's blog since.

Blair is then accused of manipulating Darp's comments:
His basic premise for doing this was to selectively edit my comments in order to alter their original meaning.
This is another lie; Blair's lying allegation specifically related to Darp's repeated accusations that Blair had targeted Margo Kingston's looks. Thus when Blair edited this:
Strange, he never actually challenged Margo on anything of substance, it was usually her hair, her looks, a misplaced comma or semi-colon.
to this:
Strange, he never actually challenged Margo on anything of substance, it was usually her hair, her looks...
the meaning of the quote was not changed.

Darp then veers off on a tangent:
Of course, if Blair was to present this statement non-truncated, he would be leaving himself open to reams of linkage where he has foregone any political commentary whatsoever and merely pointed and giggled at one of Margo's typos.

We can't have that can we? No - so as per usual he has selectively altered the premise of the initial statement in order to order to ... well, if someone can explain his motivation here - I'd be more than happy to hear it?
See Darp, it's your repeated allegations that Blair focused on Kingston's looks that are being discussed, not irrelevant references to her suspect language skills. Nice try though.

Darp, having briefly resisted the temptation, reverts to lying:
I mean, by Blair's own admission, my comments are TEN MONTHS OLD. If he was so concerned about the natterings of an "insignificant leftoid blogger", why not take issue with them at the time?
By Blair's admission the lies started many months ago and were repeated as recently as last month.

Darp then goes off on another tangent, a more personal one:
Of course, it's got nothing to do with these rumours of Tim staging a silent boycott of Grogblogging II because of "bad blood" between himself and I. No, no - the timing is purely coincidental. I wasn't aware there was any "bad blood", well nothing serious enough that it couldn't be put aside for a night on the piss at any rate.

Oh well, most of Timbo's political idols are very adept at creating a dodgy pretext for getting themselves into hostile environments. It seems Tim may be similarly skilled when it comes to keeping himself out of them.

Dude, it seriously won't be hostile - just come, please. It will be a cracker.
Darp, I have no idea how Blair would react but if I had a few beers and had to listen to you spout lame-arsed crap like that above, I'd be forced to tell you to your face you're a fuckwit.

After all of the diversionary hoopla above, Darp finally gets to the "evidence" that Blair, "can’t draw breath without commenting on what a ‘stunner’ Margo is". Darp cites three instances of Blair referring to Kingston as the "Margoyle". To add impact Darp throws in an image of a gargoyle and says:
How is labelling someone "The Margoyle" a slight against their physical appearance? Well, correct me if I'm wrong here Tim, and I KNOW you'll make some piss-weak semiotically orientated attempt to negate what I'm about to say here - but by labelling Margo Kingston as "The Margoyle" are you not waxing lyrical with an oh so tricky pun upon the word "Gargoyle"?

This is a gargoyle, not a very attractive creature is it?
At this point it's obvious Darp can't produce the goods, this is all diversionary filler. Blair hasn't denied commenting on Kinston's looks, he's denied Darp's allegation that he harps on her looks.

Darp futilely tries to round out Blair's supposedly frequent allusions to Kingston's looks by referring to an image of Uncle Sam about to devour Australia:
I'd say that's another swipe at her looks. Funny how that's all he has to say about Margo on that post, there is no dissecting of her opinions - just a snide remark that the ugly Uncle Sam picture looks like her.
It's a dumb cartoon that doesn't look like Uncle Sam much less like Kingston.

Darp, probably aware that hasn't made his case, concludes weakly:
On this slightly older entry, Blair settles into some of his usual sideline heckling over Margo's promotion of a "Nude Protest" against the then impending Iraq war.

Now, I shan't declare whether or not I share Tim's opinion on this one when he says:

You've got to warn everyone and tell them! Margo Kingston will be naked! You've got to tell them! MARGO WILL BE NAKED!


The basic fact of the matter is that he is ripping into her appearance again, something which he claims he has never done.
I don't know about you Darp, but there are very few women I'd like to see naked and Kingston isn't one of them. And, Blair has never claimed he never made reference to Kingston's looks.

Darp's final word on the matter:
Yes, Darp, I am happy: happy I'm not a lame, lying lefty blogger who's dug himself into a hole he can't get out of. Here's some free advice: either retract your allegations and admit you're a liar or shut the fuck up. Alternatively, you could follow Tim Lambert's lead and operate from the shadows.

Update: Not only is Darp a liar, he's a "moral coward", "shithouse researcher", and "abysmal writer". It's all happening here.


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