Thursday, February 02, 2006


Antony Loewenstein, Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle Eastern and North African Studies' token Jew, almost has an epiphany concerning his significance:
If I am so insignificant, as they constantly say, why are they always writing about me? It's clear. Having an enemy, or ideological opponent, serves their political aims. How else can they justify their political careers or lobbying aggression if not to convince others that they are defending the good name of Israel and Zionism?
So, Ant owes his anti-Zionist colossus status to the efforts of Zionists. Man them Jews is evil.

Update: Loewenstein on Muslims:
The vast majority of Muslims are law-abiding, compassionate, tolerant and understanding people.
Unfortunately, Muslim tolerance does not extend to cartoonish freedom of expression:
After a meeting in Tunis interior ministers from 17 Arab countries have issued a statement urging the Danish government to punish the illustrators who drew the cartoons. On Monday the Egyptian parliament urged Egyptians to boycott Danish products, the Syrian government has called its ambassador in Denmark home and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Ekrima Sabri, has demanded apologies from the Danish government for the cartoons.

Yesterday, however, the leader of the Danish Muslim organizations which have been protesting the cartoons in Denmark, imam Abu Laban, was exposed as being double-tongued. To the Western media he said that he was in favour of easing tensions while to the Arab media he continued inciting hatred towards Denmark and the Danes.

Danish imams and radical Muslims are still feeding the Arab media with disinformation about the country they live in. “Every day pictures and articles are being published more horrible and serious than those published last September,” the Danish imam Raed Hlayhel said in an interview with the The Saudi Gazette on Monday. According to the paper Mr Hlayhel is preparing another tour of the Middle East to raise more support for the campaign against Jyllands-Posten and the Danish government. His spokesman in Denmark, however, says that this is not correct and that The Saudi Gazette quoted Mr Hlayhel wrongly.
Tomorrow I'm going to the shops looking to buy some Danish products.


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