The Japanese series Saiyuki – Journey to the West – is based on an old Chinese story of the adventures of a Buddhist priest (monk, corrupted to monkey?) and his companions travelling to India in search of holy scriptures. Some of the filming was done on location in Australia. It's a remake of the cult classic – in Australia, anyway – Monkey, which was complete crap, making it a real hoot to watch. The original crap magic dervied from the show's low production values and ludicrous special effects and would be hard to recapture. Producers are therefore trying an alternative crap strategy: in the updated version Monkey is a "punk rocker, yelling about love".
Ahhhh... Pigsy!!
Hey, I watched this the other night! (i live in tokyo) It indeed features Australian backgrounds, but it's a very low-budget production and wouldn't have been made at all without the backing of a member of a popular band, who stars as the "monkey" character and yells a lot. Like many japanese shows, it's kind of a big joke, and not very funny.
Other "interesting" notes about the show include that it features several of the actors from last year's popular, and very good, Densha Otoko. Also, I know the guy who hosted the actors in australia, he's a tour guide.
Anyway it's awful, don't waste your time!
Thanks for the comment, Sho. I figured the "punk" angle was a bit iffy.
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