Friday, March 31, 2006


On climate and global warming I'm nothing more than a reasonably knowledgable layman. It seems to me there's been a major push of late by those favouring anthropogenic warming, with Time leading the charge. This press release from the British Antarctic Survey is, however, a bit different - take note of the bolded bits:
Rapid temperature increases above the Antarctic

A new analysis of weather balloon observations from the last 30 years reveals that the Antarctic has the same ‘global warming’ signature as that seen across the whole Earth, but is three times larger than that observed globally. The results by scientists from British Antarctic Survey are reported this week in Science.

Although the rapid surface warming in the Antarctic Peninsula region has been known for some time, this study has produced the first indications of broad-scale climate change across the whole Antarctic continent.

Lead author Dr John Turner of the British Antarctic Survey says,

"The warming above the Antarctic could have implications for snowfall across the Antarctic and sea level rise. Current climate model simulations don’t reproduce the observed warming, pointing to weaknesses in their ability to represent the Antarctic climate system. Our next step is to try to improve the models. "
Despite the article's reference to surface warming in the Antarctic Peninsula, the observed warming being described was not at the surface but in the atmosphere some kilometres above the surface. The surface temperature record across Antarctica is at best inconclusive:
These observations reveal that over the latter part of the 20th century, i.e., the period of time that according to climate alarmists experienced the most dramatic global warming of the entire past two millennia, fully 80% of the Antarctic coastal stations with sufficiently long temperature records experienced either an intensification of cooling or a reduced rate of warming; while four coastal sites and one interior site actually shifted from warming to cooling.
The one thing the article does get right is that climate models get it wrong and have to be corrected. This means they are not to be trusted. True believers will no doubt come up with some fancy statistical explanation for this discrepancy.


Anonymous Annabelle. N. Smith said...

Tim Lambert will find a weasle way out.

11:48 AM  

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