Thursday, November 23, 2006


Australia's ABC news excitedly announces, "AWB given advance warning of Iraq troop deployment," hinting that Australian Wheat Board officials were privy to insider information. A close reading of the story reveals the ABC headline to be very misleading:
Previously secret AWB documents have revealed that the wheat exporter was told Australia would join the war against Iraq a year before the Federal Government says it decided to commit troops.

The information came from Australia's Ambassador to the United Nations, John Dauth.

Prime Minister John Howard announced that Australian troops would join the strike on Iraq on March 1, 2003.

He said the decision was made just before that.

But AWB board notes says that early in 2002 the Australian Ambassador to the UN, Mr Dauth, said Australia would support and participate in US action.
He accurately predicted the strike to depose Saddam Hussein would start within 18 months.
This "revelation" sending Howard haters into a frenzy:
John Quiggin: The news that AWB Chairman Trevor Flugge was told of the invasion of Iraq, and of Australia’s planned participation in early 2002 adds yet another layer of deception to this amazing story of duplicity.

Antony Loewenstein: Still unsure that the Howard government lied about Iraq?

Tim Dunlop: ... we find out today, thanks to some more documents unearthed by the Cole Inquiry into the AWB scandal, that although the Howard Government hadn’t bothered to tell us their plans, and wouldn’t even tell the troops who were going off to fight the war their plans, they did tell the AWB.

Aussie Bob: Not that anyone really believed Howard when he said he hadn’t made up his mind on war in Iraq - until he did - but isn’t it nice to know that Howard’s Iraq invasion denials, something the Australian people were continually and completely lied to about, and which our forensic press dutifully wrote up as sober statesmanship, were complete and utter bullshit from the start?
The Prime Minister commenting:
Mr Howard tonight said a February 2002 briefing by Australia's UN ambassador John Dauth for former AWB chairman Trevor Flugge did not contradict the Government's stance on when it decided to join the Iraq war.

The Government has publicly said it did not decided to join the war until after the invasion was debated by the UN in early 2003.

"Mr Dauth was expressing his personal view about what might happen," Mr Howard said.
Sorry lefty Howard-haters, your wishful thinking isn't news.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon Beck, don't tell me you are gullible enough to believe that Howard hadn't made a decision about committing troops to War On Iraq until March 2003.

Australian soldiers leaving for the Gulf in Sept-Oct 2002 were told they were going there to fight.

It's not exactly a big secret mate that Howard had committed Australia to the war Bush was going to wage regardles of the UN or weapons inspectors by mid-2002, if not months earlier.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous J F Beck said...

Gullible I'm not: I'm simply evaluating the information so far provided. Until I have reason to conclude Dauth divulged insider info I'll stick with the ABC's assertion that he made a "prediction".

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might want to read The Australian this morning, interesting comments from SAS leader on how they knew they were going to war on Iraq apparently before Howard did. Amazing!

Of course, this respected, admired SAS officer is probably just another Howard Hater right?

Don't feel bad. We all got duped. The Australian defence forces, the Australian public, you, all those stinking lefties with their now accurate predictions of the war becoming a blood-soaked disaster.

9:43 AM  

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