Wordsmith Antony Loewenstein's title for a post on Israeli ignorance:
Update: The post is now retitled:
Update II: Another title change:
You can’t change a lion’s spotsHis conclusion: "These Zionists truly have no clue."
Update: The post is now retitled:
You can’t change a zebra’s spotsMaybe Loewenstein has a sense of humour after all; either that or he's been drinking.
Update II: Another title change:
You can’t change those spotsThat was a struggle.
He just hasn't a clue, has he?
Post might be re-titled but he hasn't changed the URL.
Ah - now it's changed.
He probably thought 'you cant change a spotted stoat's spots' was too awkward.
Anthony is now officially qualified to write a textbook on zoology for the Melbourne University Press.
AL: "Too stupid to be Jewish?"
Honestly, we shouldn't laugh at the mentally challenged. Fortunately, I can't help myself.
"Anthony is now officially qualified to write a textbook on zoology for the Melbourne University Press."
MUP... does that make him a muppet?
Still, he's no dumber than Jeremy Sears, Scott and Ant. I'm surprised he hasn't been invited into that clique. Probably because the Pissweak Penmen can't get past the fact he's Jewish.
sorry dan. it was late. you suggested that once before and I should try it. Mehaul.
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