Friday, August 28, 2009


Wordsmith Antony Loewenstein:
[Jimmy] Carter has been saying the same thing for things and I admire him for it.
Surreptitious edit coming up. By the way, amongst other things claimed by Carter is that he is a "nuclear engineer".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lataan dont you need to report in to your psychiatrist?

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Jim Clarke said...

Now, if was in the Adelaide Drug Squad and I was reading this blog, I would be raiding Verdun.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

So many words. And all for or about me! I'm flattered, even if the words themselves aren't flattering; at least your thinking about me.

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Kevin said...

Everybody knows that this Ant is a self-hating Jew. He's a dangerous fifth-columnist trying to promote Islamosocialism in Australia.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

I'm not interested Alex; I really couldn't give a toss what you think.

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

Milkypussy, linking to Ted Lapkin, an even bigger frothing-at-the-mouth Zionazi than you lot are, is hardly an argument.

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, "Damien" should be "Damian", of course.

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

Gee, anyone would think its about me!

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

Hush up Alex; it's not about you at all. Apparently it's all about me!

It's amazing how people who don't know you from a bar of soap can suddenly become so utterly delusional about what they think they know about a person. It says far more about the people who have resorted in frustration to fantasising than it does about the person they are fantasising about.

Is it a sort of cyber hysteria? Does Danny Boy lay awake at night seething with anger spending countless hours dreaming up his next fantasy projection?

I'll print it all off and send it over to the Psychology Dept. at uni and see what they've got to say about it.

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how people who don't know you from a bar of soap can suddenly become so utterly delusional about what they think they know about a person. It says far more about the people who have resorted in frustration to fantasising than it does about the person they are fantasising about.

Damian, me old salt, with that little rant you have summed up your frothing fascination with 'Zionazis' better than anyone else here could have.

Now go and print it out, engrave it on a plaque and hang it above your desk, in between the swastika and the Marilyn Shepherd pinup.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Jimmy loves things said...

At the risk of doing a loewy that should be Tzipi Lipni.

3:30 PM  
Anonymous alex said...

"It's a bit like the proverbial monkey with a type-writer - let him at it long enoug and he's bound to come up with something that makes sense..."

Thanks to Damian, we now know that that hoary old chestnut just isn't true...

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

The Israelis could wipe out the entire Palestinian population in seconds, if they so wished.

Yet they haven't. Nor would they.

Considering the high Palestinian birthrate, for the Israelis just to break even, they'd have to increase killing by ten thousand percent. For a "genocide" the Israelis' effort would have to be the most pathetic, lethargic attempt at genocide in the history of mankind.

And yet you'll still carry on about it. Of course you won't say a thing about real genocides being conducted by Islamists (Darfur anyone?) because Jews aren't involved.

Your claim is a baseless, blood libel. As are claims of Palestinians "starving".

Thanks to World Vision, we've all seen photos of starving. Distended bellies, malnourished faces. However nobody, but nobody in the Palestinian territories is starving (even though their so-called "leaders" would much rather spend donated money on weapons than welfare).

Go away Damian, your dishonest 'arguments' belong on placards at a Socialist Resistance sponsored demo. Not in any sensible debate.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

Amazing how the Zionazis jump and down screaming 'blood libel' when all that's been talked about is organ harvesting. Nothing to do with any supposed rituals from way back. It was the Zionazis that mentioned 'blood libel'; no one else.

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

"Your constant reference to 'Zionazis' is embarrassing."

It might be for you Danny Boy, but not for me. If the cap fits, wear it!

The Palestinians had nothing to do with the killing of Jews in 1930s and it has been Zionazis that have been killing Palestinians and stealing their lands from them ever since the end of the war.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit I get a laugh out of listening to Damian - it's like someone took out his brain and replaced it with a record player wired up to spew mindless crap 24/7.

Every now and then the needle jumps, but overall the content is predictable, and nauseatingly repetitive.

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Jimmy said...

London to a brick, 'niceperson' is our old mate Loewy. You ain't fooling no one mate.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous niceperson said...

Israel to a white phosphorous bomb, Jimmy is an inbred pigfucker.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous jimmy said...

Suddenly the 'nice person' is not so nice ...

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Jimmy the inbred pigfucker said...

No denial either.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous J F Beck said...

Jimmy the pork poker can have the last word on that.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

The Israelis left the Gaza Ghetto for the same reason as the Nazis left the Warsaw Ghetto; they knew they can move in, clear it out and then take it back for themselves whenever they want to.

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

Beck, I was wondering how long it would be before you needed to step in and rescue your bloggies.

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel have to spend a fortune of their GDP on defence, for the same reason.

Yep, because they encourage a fascist fringe of racist, lunatic settlers to move into occupied territory on the West Bank. There's ample evidence of these settlers treating the locals appallingly, but should any of the locals fight back, Dan 'Apologist for Murder and Occupation' Lewis shrieks that there's a Nazi plot afoot.

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Damian Lataaaaaaaan's spittle-and-foam-flecked keyboard said...

I'm embarrassed to be a part of this, really I am

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...


2:37 PM  
Anonymous Toaf said...

Dan Lewis, get a blog.

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

Danny boy, you had the clues, I gave you a date and a name. Do your own research. Take it or leave it. I couldn't care less either way.

7:06 AM  
Anonymous niceperson said...

The best you could come up with thus far, was a vague, unreferenced quote attributed to an MP, whose views are roundly rejected by a number of people, yet whose most extreme views don't come anywhere near what you've suggested.

The MP in question was voted in and given a senior role within the Israeli government. He's certainly more representative of Israeli politics than Hamas are of the Palestinians.

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

...though, of course, we should not forget that the Palestinians voted for Hamas to govern them.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

The MP in question was voted in and given a senior role within the Israeli government.

I agree.
However his most extreme comments, don't come anywhere near the calls for genocide, to which Lataan continually refers. On Lieberman's worst day, he's still far more mild than mere Palestinian Children's TV. Lataan struggled just to come up with that example, and it's a pretty weak one.

The constant incitement to murder, the programming of small children to die for their God, and the worship of murderers only comes from one side.

He's certainly more representative of Israeli politics than Hamas are of the Palestinians.

Why do you say that? He's but a single member of the Israeli political scene. Hamas are the majority party. Have you read their charter? Chilling stuff. And not just for the Jews. Try telling a Hamas fighter that you are a member of Rotary and see what happens. No, I'm not kidding.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Corey said...

On Lieberman's worst day, he's still far more mild than mere Palestinian Children's TV.

The constant incitement to murder, the programming of small children to die for their God, and the worship of murderers only comes from one side.

Odds of Damian actually addressing these points?


9:11 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

More a finger slip than a Freudian slip Danny Boy - though your ability to pick it up and attempt to use it nefariously is definitely 'Freudian'.

I'm against the use of suicide bombers.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

By the way, Israeli soldiers don't accidently shoot Palestinian children in the head; they do it quite deliberately as has been well documented.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Mehaul said...

After all your sanctimonious comments Damian, no one is any wiser about the middle east, other than to prove you are one sad, bitter, ignoramous. You avoided Dan's points by the long mile. You aero dynamicist you.

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

There's no anti-semitism coming from me - just anti-Zionism

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

Move on Anonymous @ 8.24am; we're on the 'Geography Problem' thread now. Do try and keep up.

9:16 AM  

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