Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cash waiting for "hoaxer" Alene Composta

Alene Composta should "out" herself and claim the cash:
On [Catallaxy], and on Andrew Norton's, blogger “jc” has offered a reward of $3000 to the first person to hoax The Age, Sydney Morning Herald or Financial Review with an op-ed “on AGW or any subject the left holds dear. It has to be a hoax and the person outs themselves after it is published.”
The SMH buys Composta's hoax. $3,000 earned, I say.

Update Prize offerer JC welcomes the news of a possible winner:
Oh shit… I forgot about that.
Update II A reader advises by email:
Alene Composta is an anagram of "Moose Placenta".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Done and done!

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear this then.

You are a stalking ass.

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Chistery said...

Multiple choice question:

What does PPBoy, Jeremy, have to say about this?

A. Ex Crikey editor, Jonathan Green, should be embarrassed that he let such a silly and defamatory article be published without doing some basic fact checking. WE HATE INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY over here.

B. What a good hoax. Sure had us fooled. Sadly, I now have to tear up that PP job offer. It's are real ball buster being down to two bloggers over here.

C. Why is it that only imaginary people find me hot?

D. What a prick Andrew Bolt is for mocking the identity theft of a genital warts blogger.

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Lattecat said...


I would have to go with A. Certainly not D.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous sparkles said...

"Bullying the vulnerable not a good look, whether the target’s real or not" harrumphs Crikey!

This from the blog that brought us "a mongrel called Trig"?

6:13 PM  

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